Transform your body & mind with just 3 minutes daily!

What is the Butt Bungi?

The Butt Bungi supports the body for ease of daily movement. It assists in supporting the diaphragm and glutes for various exercises.

What is The BungiGym System?

My innovation of the Bungi Gym System is the only “hands free” Muscle Activation system on the market since 2013.

What is Muscle Activation?

It activates or transforms poor breathing and movement patterns, resets core muscles and energizes the mind.

How long does it take to Activate?

The Bungi Gym System only takes 3-6 minutes a day! Upon stepping out of the Butt Bungi you will notice an immediate transformation!

What do the testimonials say?

“I feel in alignment, and lighter!” “More upright, balanced and ease when walking!” “My aches and pains calmed down.” “Definitely noticeable connection and coordination of movement.”

What are the benefits of an Aligned body?

  • Less back, neck, hip and knee pain

  • Better posture, breathe better, move better

  • Stronger abdominals alleviate painful movement

  • Quiets the mind, ease body tension

  • Increase mobility, flexibility and muscle performance

What are you waiting for?

How easy and convenient to have your own traveling gym and one lightweight 1/2 lb. personal coach travel with you -- everywhere!

Workout when you want. Put your trainer in the jamb of a door and your workout session begins when you want-at your convenience.

  • Save hundreds of dollars or more a year.

  • Your traveling gym is paid for in one session with a trainer.

  • Save time with immediate and amazing results right at your fingertips.

  • Let the Bungi Gym Coach Connection transform you daily.